+39 011 1917 0206 info@studiolegalevlachos.com


The Vlachos Law Firm deals with civil law, advising both individuals and businesses, in both judicial and extrajudicial settings.
Over the years, the Firm has developed a deep expertise in personal, family, property and inheritance matters.

With reference to the law of individuals, the Firm is particularly concerned with the legal instruments for the protection of the weak(support administration, interdiction and guardianship, advance declarations of treatment).

With reference to family law, the main areas of activity are separation and divorce proceedings, regulation of personal and property relations between cohabitants and members of civil unions , and measures regarding children.

The firm has gained experience in handling separations and divorces of important personalities, also with regard to special confidentiality requirements.

With reference to estate and inheritance law, the Firm’s activity is highly specialized and qualified, also by virtue of the more than a decade-long shadowing of Notary Colombo, the profitable performance of the notarial apprenticeship by all the Firm’s professionals, as well as the custom in supporting families from large estates before and after the opening of the succession.


In this area, the firm devotes special attention to:

  • estate planning and generational transition, i.e., the study of the family and property situation, followed by advice on the best civil and tax management of the estate and its protection and inheritance transmission, also with a view to preventing possible litigation;
  • advice on the drafting of the will, i.e., translation into legally correct language of the will expressed by the testator, following detailed analysis of the specific situation and possible scenarios;
  • management on behalf of clients of the duties that the law places on those called to the estate, with particular regard to the preparation of the declaration of inheritance and its telematic submission to the Internal Revenue Service as a qualified professional;
  • management of international successions, in which the Firm can boast considerable experience;
  • real estate law.

The Firm also has the possibility of availing itself, when necessary, of the collaboration as of counsel of Prof. Avv. Riccardo de Caria, Associate Professor of Economic Law at the Department of Law of the University of Turin, particularly on matters pertaining to asset protection.

Also with reference to asset protection and transmission, the firm provides legal advice to clients of leading private bankers and financial advisors.